Sunday, April 13, 2014

Planting Time of Year

Hello Everyone,

It is that time of year, isn't it. That time of year when no matter how early I get up, if I try to sneak out the back door, the chickens announce my arrival, and ask to be let out. Because it is light. Because it is warm. Because they want worms.

This warm, bright weather is announcing to us the full on arrival of spring. It is here, folks. It is time for planting, planting, planting.

At our schools we are readying for the big growing season. Seeds are being planting everywhere. Everyone is excited; teachers, students, garden educators, and parents. We are ready to have our hands in the soil. Ready to see those shoots popping out. And the students are working in the garden with glee. At last! the cold is over! no more shivering, but rejoicing!

And so plant away, folks, for now is the time. Now is the time that will determine the bounty of what is to come this summer. Plant away.


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